Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Post Halloween binge


I'm tired of being constantly pestered "Can I have some candy?"

The kids had a decent dinner tonight so I told them they could eat as much candy as they wanted from 6:30 to 7. Exciting and kind of gross.


P Cheng said...

I wonder if a candy binge will lead to upset stomach and hence better understanding of delayed gratification? I always remember wanting to stretch out the Hallowe'en candy as long as possible and not eat it all at once.

Unknown said...

I remember a teacher at prep school lecturing us about a punishment she once had as a chiuld for sneaking cookies - she had to eat the whole box. That stayed with me a long time but perhaps for the wrong reason; she was a very large woman. We have "lost" our children's candy. Who knows when it will be found again. (This only works if you don't keep a neat house.)