My latest conversation with Austin in the car:
NPR is on.
Austin: Daddy, a lot of people get killed in wars.
Me: Yes. (Turns off radio.)
Austin: Why do people kill?
Me (after some thought): Well, if someone is going to hurt them, and they kill that person, that's called self-defense.
Also sometimes people kill to steal something.
Austin: Like pirates.
Me: Yes, pirates kill and steal people's boats.
Austin: Or gold.
Me: And also there are people who are just crazy. None of these are really good reasons for killing, are they?
Austin: No.
Austin: Or they're hungry.
Me: What?
Austin: Like, if someone wants to eat a chicken, they kill the chicken. Or if they want turkey, they kill a turkey. Or if they want to make a fire, they chop down a tree.
Me: Yes.
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