Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Book Review: Smart Moves for the Liberal Arts Grad

So as part of our fun packed Memorial Day weekend (yes, I'm still behind), we went to a party for Suzanne Greenwald, one of the authors of Smart Moves for Liberal Arts Grads. I haven't read the book through, but flipping around I find it extremely readable (they're mini-biographies, after all), and with lots of tips highlighted in the margins and at the end of each bio.

I also love the fact that there's a separate forward for parents that basically says, "Don't Panic!"

Good gift for recent grads, parents of recent grads, or people in college now. Probably not freshman, but maybe a junior who's decided to major in philosophy but doesn't know what that means for her future.

Oh, here's their website with profiles of the authors.

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